Below is the equipment that's recommended for the sport Xtreme Ice Skating. You'll be able to do more extreme tricks on the ice by wearing protective equipment. Feel the fear without having to suffer the consequences. Please note: we are not selling the products listed on this page. They are here for informative purposes only.
If you're going to be jumping, wear a helmet.

Wrist Guards:
Wrist guards are absolutely essential.

Elbow Pads:
Elbow pads are absolutely essential.

Roller Hockey Girdle:
Protect your hips from big jumps and sudden falls.

Knee pads:
Some skaters need kneepads.

Gel Ankle Sleeve:
Helps to prevent pain from rubbing or chafing.

Gel discs:
Reduces pain in areas where there's too much pressure.

Helps to tie your laces tighter (and undo your laces).

Waxed Laces:
Holds the tension in your laces after they're pulled tight.

Xtreme Ice Skates (made by Harlick):